Obituary Photo

Rafael A. Massanet Cruz, 59

Rafael A. Massanet Cruz (Bocky/Fosforito)

1-8-1963 to 9-30-2022 10:39 perdio la batalla contra cancer del pulmon.

Hijo, hermano,primo, amigo, esposo, padre, tio, abuelo y mas. Sabemos que luchaste valientemente, hoy puedes descanzar, nosotros seguiremos la batalla, manten tu llama alumbrando nuestro camino y donde sea que tu alma descanze ten la aseguranza que tus hijos, nietos, primos, sobrinos y amigos honraran tu memoria y siempre seguiremos orgullosos de ti. Descanza en Paz boludo ve y se un fosforito en la eternidad te amamos! Dejo atras a du esposa, tres hijos y dos nietos.


Rafael A. Massanet Cruz (Bocky/Fosforito)

1-8-1963 to 9-30-2022 10:39 Lost the battle against lung cancer.

Son, brother, cousin, friend, husband, father, uncle, grandfather and more. We know that you fought bravely, today you can rest, we will continue the battle, keep your flame lighting our path and wherever your soul rests rest assured that your children, grandchildren, cousins, nephews and friends will honor your memory and we will always continue to be proud of you . Rest in peace boludo go and be a match in eternity we love you!  survived by his wife, three children and two grandchildren.