Obituary Photo

Linda Jean Wadel, 73

This is an Auto-Obituary personally written by: LINDA JEAN WADEL 

Who passed away on Thursday, March 17, 2022, at 7:55 A.M. EDT

Hi ! I was born during Truman’s administration, on October 9, 1948. I grew up in West Virginia and moved to Florida when I was 12 years old. I married Don in 1968 and first we had Michael (Krista) and then later Ashlee (Justin). They later gave birth to my two grandchildren, Joey, and Hannah (aka Sky). We later divorced.

Then I met my next husband, Mike. What a ride ! ! ! He is a pilot, skydiver, and scuba diver. I tried them all but I fell in love with my scuba gear. We dove everywhere and had one blessed event after another. I will miss him. To all those I’ve known and will look forward to seeing you in the hereafter. To my children and grandkids, please remember me.


For all that has been, thanks.

To all that shall be, yes.

                  Dag Hammarskjold

  • mike wadel

    Babe, I miss you so !!